♦ 24/03/31 - First Try

I've never really done this before. I have made attempts in the past to keep a physical journal, but ran into issues at one point or another and stopped. One of the biggest issues was how piss poor my handwriting is lmao, which I think made me feel less motivated to get into the habit. One journal does exist somewhere on my Google drive, but it's not something I'd feel comfortable posting here. I guess it does feel nice to put my thoughts somewhere that isn't entirely private. Not that I'll be posting this into any direct feeds outside of Neocities, but it might feel nice to imagine that someone out there decided my page was interesting enough to investigate beyond the front page.

I do very much have a lot of thoughts in my brain that just kind of sit and gather dust, ranging across a variety of different topics. Games, stories, social media, and honestly just stuff that pisses me off. I'll sometimes rant to my friends, but I suffer from this really awesome curse known as ~insecurity~ which has me constantly walking on eggshells for literally no goddamn reason. I struggle to be fully myself(without scrutinizing myself for at least an hour after the fact), and it's something I want to work on.

I want to stress that it's not my friends' doing that makes me feel like I have to walk on eggshells. It's 100% my own brain, a result of what I assume is severe anxiety, and also past trauma. That will definitely be the subject of a future entry here.

For now, I think this is a good start. It already feels pretty good to know that I finally set all of this up, and now it'll be here for me whenever I feel like writing down my thoughts. Here's hoping that I keep up the habit.

If you've read this far, thank you. ♡ I hope to see you again soon.